Documentary Ad Film for Youth Energy Academy Asia 2019.
Credit: Participant, Director, Cinematographer, Post Producer.
Virtual Youth Energy Academy Showcase Series.
Credit: Conceptualise and Editing.
The Resilient Foundation. film in association with The Resiliency Initiative
Credit: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Grading Artist.
Virtual YEA Series- Youth Energy Academy 2020
Credit: Remote Planning, Post Producer & Editing.
Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM), Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP; Bali 2022
Credit: Conceptualise and Editing.
Gender, Climate, Economic Justic Film
Credit: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Grading Artist.
National and International Exposures
​As member of UN-Children & Youth Major Group; Ex-Regional Ambassador, GYSD; Intern, SAYEN (South-Asian Youth Environment Network) UNEP-TUNZA, India; Invitee H&H Kaschade Stiftung Germany; She contributed as Photographer, rapporteur, speaker, facilitator and organizer for Children, Youth and Women position in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related processes as follows: (Selected)​​
Represented Youth Advocate from The Resiliency Initiative at the Summit of the Future and UNGA79, New York, September 2024.
Speaker at the Post Summit of the Future Fireside Chat on Advancing SDG 5, represented as a filmmaker from India (Side event), New York, September 2024.
Represented Youth from India at the High Level Political Forum, UNHQ, New York, 2024.
Panellist at the UNDRR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR), Bali, 2022 – Spoke on Next Gen Pro Planet Media: Tapping the Potentials of New Media for Disaster and Climate Reduction.
Participant in the Youth Energy Academy, Bangkok, 2019; screened YEA film at UNFCCC COP 25 side event on climate ambition, Madrid, December 2019.
Attended the 15th Major Groups & Stakeholder Forum, UN Environment Assembly, Nairobi, 2014.
Participated in USAID/LEAF/WOCAN- Environment in Asia-Pacific discussions, Bangkok, 2014.
Attended Asia Pacific Civil Society Regional Consultative Meeting, Cambodia, 2013.
Participated in the ASEAN Water Dialogue, Bangkok, 2013.
Annual Convention at IRIIS, Mumbai, 2012.
Attended Asia-Pacific UNEP-TUNZA Conference, Bangkok, 2012.
H&H Kaschade Stiftung, Germany (2012) – Invitee to learn German culture and language.
Interned with Media Matters, Mumbai (2011) – Focused on communication media for children and youth.
Categorized 350 films on environment, climate change, and DRR for youth outreach, including documenting Banner Hill Biodiversity.
Interned with Aga-Khan Rural Support Programme to understand natural resource management and livelihood promotion, India, 2011.
Interned with Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation on town planning and design, 2011.
Youth Delegate at UN-Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD 16 & 17), New York, 2008.
Global Youth Service Day, Ahmedabad, 2012.
Attended Media and Advocacy Workshop at IPSCR and MRG, Mumbai, 2011.
Participated in 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul, 2009.
Attended Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (2007) – Training on entrepreneurial stimulation.
ANALA Outdoors (2005), Sundervan Bakore's Forest Camp Site – Training on responsible behavior for ecosystem protection.